Glossary | Index | Properties
Properties with value Quality
- 100 percent Inspection
- 14 Points
- 3-2-1 Location or n-2-1 Locating Scheme
- 3K
- 3M
- 3Rs
- 5S
- 7-Step Method
- A3 Report
- Academic Quality Improvement Project (AQIP)
- Acceptable Quality Level (AQL)
- Acceptance Number
- Acceptance Quality Limit (AQL)
- Acceptance Sampling
- Acceptance Sampling Plan
- Accreditation
- Accreditation Body
- Accredited Registrars
- Accuracy
- ACLASS Accreditation Services
- Activity Network Diagram
- Activity, Value Added
- Activity-Based Costing (ABC)
- Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP)
- Adverse Event
- Affinity Diagram
- Agile Manufacturing
- Alignment
- American Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA)
- American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI)
- American National Standard Institute (ANSI)
- American National Standards Institute-American Society for Quality (ANSI-ASQ)
- American Society for Nondestructive Testing (ASNT)
- American Society for Quality (ASQ)
- American Society for Quality Control (ASQC)
- American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)
- American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) International
- American Society for Training and Development (ASTD)
- American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII)
- Analysis of Means (ANOM)
- Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
- Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)
- Andon Board
- Appearance Item
- Apportionment
- Appraisal Cost
- Approved Drawing
- Approved Material
- Arrow Diagram
- AS9100
- Asia Pacific Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (APLAC)
- Assessment
- Assignable Cause
- Association for Quality and Participation (AQP)
- Atari Mae Hinshitsu
- Attribute
- Attribute Data
- Audit
- Audit Criteria
- Audit Evidence
- Audit Findings
- Audit Plan
- Audit Scope
- Auditee
- Auditor
- Autonomation
- Availability
- Average Chart
- Average Outgoing Quality (ADQ)
- Average Outgoing Quality Limit (AOQL)
- Average Run Lengths (ARL)
- Average Sample Number (ASN)
- Average Total Inspection (ATI)
- B Life
- Baka-yoke
- Balanced Array
- Balanced Plant
- Balanced Scorecard
- Balancing the Line
- Baldridge Award
- Bartlett Test
- Baseline Measurement
- Batch
- Batch and Queue
- Batch Lot
- Bathtub Curve
- Bayes' Theorum
- Bayesian Inference
- Behavioral Norm
- Benchmark Data
- Benchmarking / Benchmark
- Best Practice
- Bias
- Big Q, Little Q
- Bill of Material
- Bimodal Distribution
- Binomial Distribution
- Black Belt (BB)
- Blemish
- Block Diagram
- Blocking
- Board of Standards Review (BSR)
- Body of Knowledge
- Bottleneck
- Bottom Line
- Boundary Diagram
- Box-Behken Design (BBD)
- Brainstorming
- Breakthrough Improvement
- BS 7799
- Bulk Materials
- Business Process Reengineering (BPR)
- Bx Life
- Calibration
- Capability
- Capability Maturity Model (CMM)
- Capacity Constraint Resources
- Cascading
- Cause
- Cause and Effect Diagram
- Cell
- Cellular Manufacturing
- Centerline
- Central Tendency
- Certification
- Chain Reaction
- Chain Sampling Plan
- Champion
- Change Agent
- Changeover
- Changeover Time
- Characteristic
- Characteristic Matrix
- Chart
- Charter
- Check Sheet
- Checklist
- Chi-Square Automatic Interaction Detection (CHAID)
- Classification of Defects
- Closed-Loop Corrective Action (CLCA)
- Collaborative Sketch (C-Sketch)
- Combinatorial Optimization
- Common Cause
- Company Culture
- Complaint Tracking
- Compliance
- Computer Aided Design (CAD)
- Computer Aided Engineering (CAE)
- Concession
- Concurrent Engineering (CE)
- Conflict Resolution
- Conformance
- Conformitè Europëenne Mark (CE Mark)
- Conformity
- Conformity Assessment
- Confounding
- Conjoint Analysis
- Conjoint Measurement
- Consensus
- Constraint
- Constraint Analysis
- Consultant
- Consumer
- Consumers Risk / Consumer's Risk
- Contingency Table
- Continuous Flow Production
- Continuous Improvement (CI) / Continual Improvement
- Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI)
- Continuous Sampling Plan
- Control Chart
- Control Limits
- Control Plan (CP)
- Co-ordinate/Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM)
- Correction
- Corrective Action
- Corrective Action Plan
- Corrective Action Recommendation (CAR)
- Correlation
- Cost Benefit Analysis
- Cost of Poor Quality (COPQ)
- Cost of Quality (COQ)
- Count Chart
- Count per Unit Chart
- Cp
- Cpk Index
- Critical Characteristics
- Critical Processes
- Cross Functional
- Cultural Resistance
- Culture Change
- Cumulative summation (CUSUM)
- Cumulative Sun Control Chart (CUSUM)
- Current Good Manufacturing Practices (CGMP)
- Curtailed Inspection
- Customer
- Customer Delight
- Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
- Customer Satisfaction
- Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI)
- Customer-Supplier Model (CSM)
- Customer-Supplier Partnership
- Cycle
- Cycle Line Layout (CLL)
- Cycle Time
- Data
- Data Analysis
- Decision Matrix
- Defect
- Defective
- Define, Measure, Analyze, Design and Verify (DMADV)
- Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control (DMAIC)
- Delighter
- Delphi Method
- Demerit Chart
- Deming Cycle
- Deming Prize
- Deming's 14 Points
- Density Function
- Dependability
- Dependent Events
- Deployment
- Design and Development
- Design and Development Review
- Design and Development Validation
- Design and Development Verification
- Design Controls
- Design for Manufacturability and Assembly
- Design Information Checklist
- Design of Experiments (DoE)
- Design Record
- Deviation (d)
- Diagnosis
- Diagnostic Journey and Remedial Journey
- Dissatisfiers
- Documentation
- Dodge-Romig Sampling Plans
- Double Sampling
- Downtime
- Driving Forces
- Durability
- Effect
- Effectiveness
- Efficiency
- Efficient
- Eight Wastes
- Eighty-Twenty (80-20)
- Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
- Employee Involvement (EI)
- Empowerment
- EN 46000
- EN 9100
- End-User
- Environment
- Equipment Availability
- Error Detection
- Error Proofing
- Ethics
- European Cooperation for Accreditation (EA)
- Evaporating Cloud
- Exciter
- Expectations
- Experimental Design
- External Customer
- External Failure
- External Setup
- F Test
- Facilitator
- Factor Analysis
- Factorial Design
- Failure
- Failure Analysis
- Failure Cost
- Failure Mode Analysis (FMA)
- Failure Mode Avoidance
- Failure Mode Effects Analysis (FMEA)
- Failure Mode Effects and Criticality Analysis (FMECA)
- Fault Tree Analysis
- Feasibility
- Feedback
- Feeder Lines
- Finite Element Analysis
- First In, First Out (FIFO)
- First Pass Yield
- First Time Capability (FTC)
- First Time Quality
- Fishbone
- Fitness for Use / Fit for Purpose
- Five S's (5S)
- Five Whys
- Five-Phase Lean Approach
- Flow
- Flow Chart
- Flow Kaizen
- Flowchart
- Focus Group
- Focus Group Survey
- Force Field Analysis
- Forming, Storming, Norming and Performing (FSNP)
- Function
- Functional Layout
- Functional Verification
- Funnel Experiment
- Future Reality Tree
- Gage Repeatability and Reproducibility (GR&R)
- Gain Sharing
- Gantt Chart
- Gap Analysis
- Gatekeeper
- Gedanken
- Gemba
- Genchi Genbutsu
- Genjitsu
- Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing (GD&T)
- George M. Low Trophy
- Glossary
- Go / No Go
- Goal
- Grade
- Green Belt
- Group Dynamic
- Groupthink
- Hansei Event
- Hawthorne Effect / Hawthorn Effect
- Heijunka
- Histogram
- Homeostatis
- Hooke's Law
- Hoshin planning / Hoshin Kanri
- Hotelling's T2 Model
- House of Quality
- Iceberg Effect
- Imagineering
- Imperfection
- Improvement
- I-MR Chart
- In-Control Process
- Incremental Improvement
- Indicators
- Indifference Quality Level (IQL)
- Information Flow
- Informative Inspection
- Infrastructure
- Inputs
- Inspection
- Inspection Cost
- Inspection Lot
- Instant Pudding
- Interested Party
- Interim Approval
- Intermediate Customers
- Internal Audit
- Internal Customer
- Internal Failure
- Internal Setup
- Interrelationship Diagram
- Intervention
- Inventory
- Ishikawa Diagram
- ISO 14000
- ISO 26000
- ISO 9000 Series Standards
- ISO/TS 16949
- Jidohka / Jidoka
- Jishuken
- Job Instruction
- Judgment Inspection
- Juran Trilogy
- Just-in-Time (JIT)
- Just-in-Time (JIT) Manufacturing
- Just-in-Time (JIT) Training
- Kaikaku
- Kaizen
- Kanban
- Kankei-kaisha
- Kano Model
- Kansei
- Kepner Tregoe Analysis
- Key Characteristic
- Key Performance Indicator (KPI)
- Key Process
- Key Process Characteristic
- Key Product Characteristic
- Key Results Area
- Kitting
- Knowledge Brokering
- Kruskal-Wallis Test
- Layout Inspection
- Leadership
- Lean
- Lean Manufacturing/Production
- Likert Scale
- Linearity
- Listening Post
- Loss Function
- Lost Customer Analysis
- Lot
- Lot Quality
- Lot Size
- Lot Tolerance Percentage Defective (LTPD)
- Lower Control Limit (LCL)
- Lusser's Law
- Machine Capability Index (Cmk)
- Maintainability
- Management
- Management Review
- Management System
- Manager
- Markov Model
- Master Black Belt
- Matrix
- Mean
- Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF)
- Measure
- Measurement
- Measuring Equipment
- Median
- Method 653
- Method of Attribute
- Metric / Metrics
- Metrology
- Mission
- Mode
- Muda
- Multi Vari Analysis
- Multiple Regression Analysis
- Multiple Sampling
- Multivariate Control Chart
- n
- National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
- Natural Team
- Nemawashi
- Next Operation As Customer
- Nominal Group Technique
- Nonconforming Product
- Nonconformity / Non-conformity / Nonconformance
- Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation (NDT, NDE)
- Nonlinear Parameter Estimation
- Non-Parametric Test / Nonparametric Test
- Nonvalue Added
- Normal Distribution (Statistical)
- Normal Inspection
- Nou-hau-shu
- Number of Affected Units Chart
- Obeya
- Objective
- Objective Evidence
- Ongoing Process Capability
- Operating Characteristic Curve (OC Curve)
- Organizational Culture
- Organization's Environment
- Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM)
- Out of Spec
- Out-of-Control Process
- Outputs
- Outsourced Process
- Parameter
- Pareto Diagram / Chart
- Part, Instrument, Standard, Method, Operator, Environment & Assumptions (PISMOEA
- Partnership
- Parts Per Million (PPM)
- Paynter Chart
- Percent Chart
- Percentage of Inspection Points Satisfying Tolerance (PIST)
- Performance Standard
- Physical Transformation Task
- Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) Cycle
- Plant Experiments (PLEX)
- Point Estimate
- Point of Use
- Poisson Distribution
- Poka Yoke / Poke-Yoke
- Policy
- Policy Deployment
- Population
- Precision
- Preliminary Bill of Material
- Prerequisite Tree (PRT)
- Prevention Cost
- Prevention versus Detection
- Prevention versus Detection (1)
- Preventive Action
- Probability Density Function
- Probability of Rejection
- Problem Solving
- Procedure
- Process
- Process Approach
- Process Average Quality
- Process Capability
- Process Capability Index (Cp, Cpk)
- Process Capability Studies
- Process Control
- Process Flow Diagram
- Process Improvement
- Process Improvement Team
- Process Kaizen
- Process Management
- Process Map
- Process Owner
- Process Performance Management (PPM)
- Process Quality
- Process Re-engineering
- Process-Based Quality Management System (QMS)
- Product
- Product Assurance Plan
- Product Improvement Program (PIP)
- Product Inspection
- Product or Service Liability
- Product Realization
- Product Warranty
- Production (Analysis) Board
- Production Part Approval Process (PPAP)
- Production Part Approval Submissions
- Production Smoothing
- Production Trial Run
- Productivity
- Project Management / Development
- Project Team
- Pull System
- Q9000 Series
- QEDS Standards Group
- QS-9000
- Quadratic Loss Function
- Qualitician
- Quality Assurance (QA)
- Quality Assurance Plan
- Quality Audit
- Quality Characteristic
- Quality Circle
- Quality Control (QC)
- Quality Engineering
- Quality Function Deployment (QFD)
- Quality Improvement
- Quality Lever
- Quality Loss Function (QLF)
- Quality Management (QM)
- Quality Management Plan (QMP)
- Quality Management Principle
- Quality Management System (QMS)
- Quality Manual
- Quality Month
- Quality Objectives
- Quality Plan
- Quality Planning
- Quality Planning Sign-off
- Quality Policy
- Quality Record
- Quality Score Chart
- Quality Tool
- Quality Trilogy
- Quality_
- Queue Time
- Quick Changeover
- Quincunx
- Random Cause
- Random Sample
- Random Sampling / Sampling at Random
- Range Chart (R Chart)
- Rational Subgroup
- Record
- Red Bead Experiment
- Red Rabbit Test
- Reduced Inspection
- Reengineering
- Registered Supplier
- Registrar
- Registration
- Registration to Standards
- Regression Analysis
- Rejection Number
- Reliability
- Rengi System
- Repeatability
- Reproducibility
- Requirement
- Resource Utilization
- Response Surface Method
- Results
- Review
- Rework
- Right Size
- Right the First Time
- Risk Analysis
- Risk Management
- Robust Design
- Robustness / Robust
- Rolled Throughput Yield (RTY)
- Root Cause
- Root Cause Investigation
- Run Chart
- Run Order
- Runner
- Sample
- Sample Size n
- Sample Standard Deviation Chart (S Chart)
- Sampling Plan
- Sangen Shugi
- Sanitizing
- Satisfier
- Scatter Diagram / Scatter Plot / Scatter Chart
- Scedasticity
- Scientific Management/Approach
- Scorecard
- Seiban
- Seichi
- Seigisei-Gaido-Risuto
- Sekkei-Tejun-Sho
- Self-Assessment
- Self-Directed Work Team
- Sentinel Event
- Service
- Service Level Agreement (SLA)
- Seven Tools of Quality
- Shadow Board
- Shainin System
- Shift
- Sifting
- Sigma
- Signal to Noise Ratio (S/N Ratio)
- Significant Characteristic
- Simulation
- Simultaneous Engineering
- Single Sampling
- Single-Piece Flow
- SIPOC Diagram
- Six Sigma
- Six Sigma Quality
- Software Quality Assurance (SQA)
- Sort, Sorting
- Special Causes
- Special Process
- Specification
- Spider Diagram
- Sponsor
- Stability
- Stable Process
- Stages of Team Growth
- Stakeholder
- Standard
- Standard Deviation
- Standard In-Process Stock
- Standard Work
- Standard Work Instructions
- Standardization
- Statistical Control
- Statistical Probability
- Statistical Process Control (SPC)
- Statistical Quality Control (SQC)
- Statistical Range
- Statistics
- Stop the Line Authority
- Strategic Planning
- Strategy
- Stratification
- Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats (SWOT) Analysis
- Stretch Goals
- Structural Variation
- Submission Level
- Suboptimisation / Suboptimization
- Subsystem
- Supplier
- Supplier Quality Assurance
- Supply Chain
- Surveillance
- Survey
- SURVIVAL for Quality Professional
- Sustain
- Sustained Success
- Symptom
- Synectics
- System
- System Kaizen
- System of Profound Knowledge (SoPK)
- Systems Approach
- Taguchi Methods
- Takt Time
- Tampering
- Task
- Team
- Team Feasibility Commitment
- Technical Report (TR)
- Technical Specification (TS)+B607
- Theory of Constraints (TOC)
- Thought Process Map (TMAP)
- Throughput
- Tightened Inspection
- Timing Plan
- Tolerance
- Tolerance Design
- Top Management
- Top Management Commitment
- Total Productive Maintenance (TPM)
- Total Quality
- Total Quality Control (TQC)
- Total Quality Management (TQM)
- Touzen
- Traceability
- Transaction Data
- Transition Tree (TRT)
- Tree Diagram
- Trend
- Trend Control Chart
- T-Test
- Type I Error
- Type II Error
- U-Chart
- Unit
- Unit Sampling
- Upper Control Limit (UCL)
- Validation
- Validity
- Value
- Value Analysis
- Value Engineering
- Value Stream
- Value Stream Loops
- Value Stream Manager
- Value Stream Mapping (VSM)
- Value-Added
- Variable Data
- Variables Data
- Variation
- Verification
- Virtual Team
- Vision
- Visual Controls
- Vital Few, Useful Many
- Voice of the Customer (VOC)
- Voice of the Process (VOP)
- Voluntary Standard
- Waiver
- Warrant
- Waste
- Weighed Voting
- Wilcoxon Mann-Whitney Test
- Work Environment
- Work in Process
- Working Sequence
- World-Class Quality
- X & R Chart
- X-Bar Chart
- Xs
- Yamazumi Board
- Yamazumi Charts
- Yokaten
- Zero Defects
Data Quality Glossary. A free resource from GRC Data Intelligence. For comments, questions or feedback: dqglossary@grcdi.nl
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