Glossary | Index | Properties
Properties with value Geospatial
- (Geo)Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI (GDI))
- .NET
- 3D Feature
- 3D Graphic
- 3D Model
- 3D Scene
- 3D Shape
- 3D Style
- 3D Symbol
- Abbreviation
- Abbreviation Dictionary
- Abscissa
- Absolute Accuracy
- Absolute Coordinates
- Absolutely Constrained Adjustment
- Absorption
- Abstract Class
- Abstract Data Type (ADT)
- Abstraction
- Access Control List (ACL)
- Access Key
- Accessibility
- Accuracy
- Acetate
- Acknowledgement file
- Across-Track Scanner
- Active Remote Sensing
- Active Server Pages (ASP)
- Active Template Library (ATL)
- ActiveX Connector
- Acutance
- Add-in
- Address
- Address Data
- Address Data Format
- Address Data Model
- Address Element
- Address Event
- Address Event Table
- Address Field
- Address Format
- Address Locator Property
- Address Locator Style
- Address Matching
- Address Range
- Address Service
- Address Standardization / Standardisation
- Address Standardizer / Standardiser
- Address Style
- Adds table
- Adjacency
- Adjacency query
- Adobe Integrated Runtime (AIR)
- Adoption
- Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR)
- Aerial Photograph
- Aeronautical Information Exchange Format (AIXM)
- Affine Transformation
- Agent
- Agent-Based model
- Aggregate / Aggregation
- Alert
- Aliasing
- Alidade
- Aligned Dimension
- Allocation
- Almanac
- Along-Track Scanner
- Alphanumeric grid
- Alternate Key
- Alternate Name
- Altitude
- Ambiguity
- American National Standard Institute (ANSI)
- American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII)
- Anaglyph
- Analog / Analogue
- Analog Image
- Analysis
- Analysis Extent
- Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
- Ancillary Data
- Ancillary Source
- Angular Unit
- Animation
- Anisotropic
- Anisotropy
- Annotation
- Annotation Class
- Annotation Construction Method
- Annotation Feature Class
- Annotation Group
- Annotation Layer
- Annotation Target
- Annual Technical Baseline Target
- Antipode
- Any-Vertex Connectivity
- Anywhere Fix
- Apartment
- Append
- Applet
- Application Assembly
- Application Developer
- Application Developer Framework (ADF)
- Application Developer Framework (ADF) runtime
- Application Domain Models
- Application Integration
- Application Platform
- Application Profile
- Application Program Interface, API
- Application Schema
- Application Server
- Application Services
- Application Software
- Application Web Service
- Arbitrary Symbol
- Arc
- Arcgisant
- Architectural Framework
- Architecture
- Archive
- Arc-node Topology
- Are
- Area
- Area Chart
- Area of Interest
- Argument
- Arithmetic Expression
- Array
- Ascending Node
- Aspect
- Aspect Ratio
- Assembly
- Assignment Operator
- Association
- Assumed Bearing
- Astrolabe
- Asynchronous
- Asynchronous Java Script and XML (Ajax)
- Asynchronous Request
- Atlas
- Atmospheric Window
- Atomic Clock
- Attenuation
- Attractiveness
- Attribute
- Attribute Data
- Attribute Domain
- Attribute Query
- Attribute Table
- Attribution
- Authentication
- Authorization
- Authorization File
- Autocorrelation
- Automated Cartography
- Automated Feature Extraction
- Automated Mapping / Facilities Management (AM/FM)
- Automatic Text Placement
- Automation
- Automation Scale
- Autovectorization
- Availability
- Average Point Spacing
- Axis
- Azimuth
- Azimuthal Projection
- B Tree / B-Tree
- Background Image
- Backscatter
- Backup / Back Up
- Band
- Band Ratio
- Band Separate
- Band-Pass Filter
- Bandwidth
- Base Data
- Base Document
- Base Height
- Base Height Ratio
- Base Layer
- Base Map
- Base Maps, Data or Layers
- Base Standard
- Base Station
- Baseline
- Basemap
- Batch File
- Batch Geocoding
- Batch Vectorization
- Bathymetric Map
- Bathymetry
- Baud Rate
- Bayes' Theorum
- Bayesian Statistics
- Bearing
- Benchmarking / Benchmark
- Best Available Map (BAM)
- Bézier Curve
- Bhattacharyya Distance
- Big Endian
- Bilinear Interpolation
- Billboarding
- Bin
- Binary
- Binary File
- Binary Large Object (BLOB)
- Bind
- Binding
- Binomial Distribution
- Biogeography
- Biomass
- Bit
- Bit Depth
- Bitmap
- Blind Digitizing
- Block Group
- Block Kriging
- Blueline
- Blunder
- Boolean Expression
- Boolean Operation
- Boolean Operator
- Border Arcs
- Boundary
- Boundary Effect
- Boundary Line
- Boundary Monument
- Boundary Survey
- Bounding Box
- Bounding Rectangle
- Breakline
- Broker
- Buffer
- Bug
- Bus
- Business Object
- Button
- Byte
- C
- C++
- Cadastral Data
- Cadastral Map
- Cadastral Survey
- Cadastre
- Calibration
- Call for Communities
- Callout Line
- Candidate key
- Capabilities Document Service Profile
- Capabilities XML
- Capacity
- Cardinal Point
- Cardinality
- Carrier
- Carrier-Aided Tracking
- Carrier-Phase GPS
- Carrying Contour
- Cartesian Co-ordinates
- Cartogram
- Cartographer
- Cartographic Generalization
- Cartography
- Cartouche
- Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
- Catalogue / Catalog
- Catalogue / Catalogue Services
- Celestial Sphere
- Cell
- Cell Selection
- Cell Size
- Cellular Automaton
- Census Block
- Census Bureau Statistical Area (CBSA)
- Census Geography
- Census Tract
- Centerline
- Centerline Vectorization
- Centerpoint
- Central Meridian
- Centre/Center
- Centroid
- Chain
- Chain Code
- Change Detection
- Character
- Chart
- Chart Updating Manual (CHUM)
- Chi Square Test
- Chord
- Choropleth Map
- Chroma
- Chronometer
- Circle
- Circular Arc
- Circular Variance
- Civilian Code
- Class
- Class Identifier (CLSID)
- Class Interval
- Classification
- Classification Scheme
- Clean Data
- Cleaning
- Clearinghouse
- Client
- Client/Server
- Client/Server Architecture
- Clinometric Map
- Cloning
- Closed Loop Traverse
- Closure Error
- Cluster Analysis
- Clustering
- Coclass
- Code-Phase GPS
- Coincident
- Cokriging
- Color Composite / Colour Composite
- Color Map / Colour Map
- Color Ramp / Colour Ramp
- Color Separation / Colour Separation
- Column
- COM Contract
- COM Interface
- Combinatorial Operator
- Combo Box
- Command
- Command Line
- Command Line Interface
- Command Prompt Window
- Comment
- Commercial Off the Shelf (COTS)
- Common Getaway Interface (CGI)
- Common Language Runtime (CLR)
- Common Object Request Broker Architecture (COBRA/CORBA)
- Communications Service Interface (CSI)
- Compact Disc/Disk
- Comparison Threshold
- Compass
- Compass Point
- Compass Rose
- Compass Rule
- Compiler
- Component
- Component Category
- Component Category ID (CATID)
- Component Object Model (COM)
- Componentware
- Composite Curve
- Composite Map
- Composite Relationship
- Composition
- Compound Element
- Compound Key
- Compression
- Compromise Projection
- Computational Geometry
- Computational Viewpoint
- Computer Aided Design (CAD)
- Computer Architecture
- Computer Environment
- Computer-Aided Design Drawing / CAD Drawing
- Computer-Aided Design Staging Geodatabase / CAD Staging Geodatabase
- Computer-Aided Software Engineering (CASE)
- Computer-Assisted Learning
- Concatenated Key
- Concatenation
- Conceptual Architecture
- Conceptual Schema
- Concurrency Management
- Concurrent Use
- Conditional Operator
- Conditional Statement
- Confidence Level
- Conflation
- Conflict
- Conflict Resolution
- Conformal Projection
- Conformality
- Congressional District
- Conic Projection
- Connected Limited Device Configuration
- Connection Line
- Connectivity
- Connectivity Group
- Connectivity Policy
- Connectivity Rule
- Connector
- Constraint
- Container
- Containment
- Content Standard
- Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata
- Conterminous
- Contiguity
- Contiguous
- Continuous Data
- Continuous Feature
- Continuous Raster
- Continuous Tone Image
- Contour Interval
- Contour Line
- Contour Tagging
- Contrast
- Contrast Ratio
- Contrast Stretch
- Control
- Control Point
- Conventional Alternative Hypothesis
- Convergence Angle
- Conversion
- Convex Hull
- Convex Polygon
- Co-ordinate Geometry (COGO)
- Co-ordinate/Coordinate Conversion
- Co-ordinate/Coordinate Reference System (CRS)
- Co-ordinate/Coordinate System
- Co-ordinate/Coordinate Transformation
- Co-ordinated Universal Time / Coordinated Universal Time
- Co-ordinates / Coordinates
- Core Technology
- Correlation
- Corridor
- Corridor Analysis
- Cost
- Cost Benefit Analysis
- Cost Raster
- County
- County Subdivision
- Covariance
- Coverage
- Coverage Domain Model
- Coverage Model
- Coverage Units
- Crandall Rule
- Critical Infrastructure
- Critical Value
- Crop Marks
- Cross Correlation
- Cross Covariance
- Cross Tabulation
- Cross Validation
- Cross Variogram
- Cubic Convolution
- Cultural Feature
- Cultural Geography
- Curb Approach
- Curve
- Curve Fitting
- Curve Segment
- Custom Behavior / Custom Behaviour
- Custom Feature
- Custom Functionality
- Custom Object
- Customer Market Analysis
- Customer Profile / Customer Profiling
- Customer Prospecting
- Cycle
- Cylindrical Projection
- Daemon
- Dangle
- Dangle Tolerance
- Dangling Arc
- Dasymetric Mapping
- Data
- Data Capture
- Data Catalog Model
- Data Cleansing_
- Data Clearinghouse
- Data Conversion
- Data Coordination
- Data Definition Language (DDL)
- Data Dictionary
- Data Domain
- Data Element
- Data File
- Data Format
- Data Integration
- Data Integrity
- Data Level
- Data Message
- Data Model
- Data Quality_
- Data Recorder
- Data Schema
- Data Semantics
- Data Services
- Data Sharing
- Data Source
- Data Structure
- Data Subject
- Data Transfer
- Data Transfer Standard
- Data Type
- Database
- Database Administrator (DBA)
- Database Connection
- Database Design
- Database Generalization
- Database Management System (DBMS)
- Database Support
- Data-Driven Ring Analysis
- Dataflow
- Dataset
- Dataset Precision
- Dataset Series
- Datum
- Datum Level
- dbf
- De Facto Standard
- De Jure Standard
- Dead Reckoning
- Debug
- Decimal Degrees
- Decision Support System (DSS)
- Declination
- Decryption
- De-duplication / Deduplication / Dedupe
- Deeply Stateful Application
- Default Interface
- Default Junction Type
- Deflection
- Degree
- Degree Slope
- Degrees / Minutes / Seconds
- Delaunay Triangles
- Delaunay Triangulation
- Deletes Table
- Delimiter
- Delta File
- Delta Table
- Demographics
- Demography
- Denial of Service (DOS)
- Densify
- Densitometer
- Density
- Density Slicing
- Dependent Variable
- Deployment
- Depth Contour
- Derived Data
- Descending Node
- Descriptor
- Design Scale
- Designated Market Area (DMA)
- Desire-Line Analysis
- Desktop GIS
- Destination
- Determinate Flow Direction
- Deterministic Model
- Detrending
- Developable Surface
- Development Environment
- Device Co-ordinates / Device Coordinates
- Dialog Box / Dialogue Box
- Diazo Process
- Dictionary Attack
- Dictionary Model
- Difference Image
- Differential Back-Up
- Differential Correction
- Diffusion
- Digital
- Digital and Electronic Maps Transfer Standard (DEMTS)
- Digital Certificate
- Digital Elevation Model (DEM)
- Digital Geographic Exchange Standard (DIGEST)
- Digital Geographic Information Exchange Standard (DIGEST)
- Digital Geographic Information Working Group (DGIWG)
- Digital Geographic Model
- Digital Identity
- Digital Image
- Digital Image Processing
- Digital Landscape Model
- Digital Line Graph (DLG)
- Digital Map Owners Group (DMOG)
- Digital Nautical Chart (DNC)
- Digital Number
- Digital Orthoimages
- Digital Orthophoto Quadrangle (DOQ)
- Digital Orthophoto Quarter Quadrangle (DOQQ)
- Digital Raster Graphic (DRG)
- Digital Rights Management (DRM)
- Digital Signature
- Digital Terrain Elevation Data (DTED)
- Digital Terrain Model (DTM)
- Digitize / Digitise
- Digitizer
- Digitizing
- Digitizing Mode
- Dijkstra's Algorithm
- Dilution of Precision (DOP)
- Dimension
- Direct Attached Storage
- Directed Link
- Directed Network Flow
- Directional Filter
- Directional Influences
- Directory
- Directory Model
- Directory Service
- Dirty Areas
- Disabled Feature
- Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP)
- Discipline
- Discrete Data
- Discrete Digitizing
- Discrete Raster
- Disk
- DispID Binding
- Display Projection
- Display Scale
- Display Unit
- Dissolve
- Distance
- Distance Decay
- Distance Unit
- Distortion
- Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM)
- Distributed Tool
- Distribution
- Dithering
- Diurnal
- Diurnal Arc
- Diversity
- DNS Spoofing
- Dockable Window
- Docking
- Document Type Definition (DTD)
- Domain
- Domain Name
- Domain Name System (DNS)
- Doppler Shift
- Doppler-Aided GPS
- Dot Density Map
- Dot Distribution Map
- Dot Screen
- Dots per Inch (DPI)
- Double Precision
- Doughnut Rings / Donut Rings
- Douglas-Peucker Algorithm
- Downstream
- Drafting
- Drainage
- Draping
- Drawing Priority
- Drift
- Drive-Time Area
- Drum Scanner
- Dual Independent Map Encoding (DIME)
- Dynamic HTML
- Dynamic Segmentation
- Dynamic-Link Library (DLL)
- Early Binding
- Earth Model
- Easting
- E-Authentication Initiative
- Eccentricity
- Ecliptic
- Ecological Fallacy
- Economic Geography
- Edge
- Edge Connectivity Policy
- Edge Detection
- Edge Enhancement
- Edge-Edge Rule
- Edgematching
- Edit Mask
- Electromagnetic Radiation
- Electromagnetic Spectrum
- Electronic Atlas
- Electronic Discovery / e-Discovery
- Electronic Document Management System (EDMS)
- Electronic Navigation Chart (ENC)
- Electronic Vaulting / e-Vaulting
- Elevation
- Elevation Tints
- Ellipse
- Ellipsoid
- Embedded Feature Class
- Empirical
- Encapsulation
- Enclosure
- Encoding
- Encryption
- Endpoint Authentication
- Endpoint Connectivity
- Enforcement Notice
- Engineering Viewpoint
- Enhanced Metafile (EMF)
- Enhancement
- Enterprise
- Enterprise Application
- Enterprise GIS
- Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB)
- Enterprise Viewpoint
- Envelope
- Environment Variable
- Environmental Model
- Ephemeris
- E-Privacy Directive 2009/136/EC
- Equal Competition Area
- Equal-Area Classification
- Equal-Area Projection
- Equator
- Equatorial Aspect
- Equidistant Projection
- Error
- Error Propagation
- Estimation
- Ethernet
- Euclidean Distance
- Eurodac
- European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS)
- European Petroleum Survey Group (EPSG) ID
- European Union (EU) Data Protection Directive
- Evaluator
- Event
- Event Handling
- Event Overlay
- Event Table
- Events per Second (EPS)
- Executable File
- Exemplar Implementation
- Exponent
- Export
- Exposure Station
- Expression
- Extended Entity Data
- Extensibility
- eXtensible Markup Language (XML)
- Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL)
- eXtensible Stylesheet Language Transformation (XSLT)
- Extent
- Extraction Guide
- Extrapolation
- Extrinsic Resource
- Extrusion
- F Statistic
- F Test
- Face
- Factoring
- False Easting
- False Northing
- Fax Preference Service, The (FPS)
- Feasibility Study
- Feature
- Feature Catalog/Catalogue
- Feature Collection
- Feature Displacement
- Feature Domain Model
- Feature Extraction
- Feature Layer
- Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC)
- Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC)
- Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS)
- Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 140
- Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 201
- Federated Data(base)
- Federated Identity
- FFIEC Online Banking Authentication Guidance
- Field
- Field Mapping
- Field View
- File
- File Geodatabase
- File Name
- File Name Extension
- File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
- Fill
- Fill Symbol
- Fillet
- Filter
- Find
- Find Similar Analysis
- Firewall
- First Normal Form (1NF)
- First-Tier Tribunal
- Fitness for Use / Fit for Purpose
- Fix
- Flag
- Flash
- Flatbed Scanner
- Flattening
- Flex
- Flooding
- Flow Direction
- Flow Map
- Focal Analysis
- Folder
- Font
- Footprint
- Foreground
- Foreign Key
- Form Lines
- Format
- Fractal
- Framework
- Framework Data
- Frequency
- From-Node
- Full Back-Up
- Function
- Function Chain
- Fuzzy Boundary
- Fuzzy Classification
- Fuzzy Set
- Gantt Chart
- Gateway Service
- Gauss-Krüger Projection
- Gazetteer
- Gazetteer Model
- General Feature Model
- General Models
- Generalisation / Generalization
- Generic Algorithm
- Geocentric
- Geocentric Coordinate System
- Geocentric Datum
- Geocentric Latitude
- Geocentric Longitude
- Geocode
- Geocoded Feature Class
- Geocoder
- Geocoder Service
- Geocoding
- Geocoding Process
- Geocoding Rule Base
- Geocomputation
- Geodata
- Geodatabase
- Geodesic
- Geodesy
- Geodetic Datum
- Geodetic Latitude
- Geodetic Longitude
- Geodetic Reference System of 1980 (GRS80)
- Geodetic Survey
- Geofence
- Geographic
- Geographic Application
- Geographic Base Files (GBF) / Dual Independent Map Encoding (DIME)
- Geographic Coordinate System
- Geographic Coordinates
- Geographic Data
- Geographic Feature
- Geographic Information Science (GIScience)
- Geographic Information System (GIS)
- Geographic Model
- Geographic Objects
- Geographic Primitive
- Geographic Reference System
- Geographic Transformation
- Geography
- Geography Level
- Geography Markup Language (GML)
- Geoid
- Geoid Height
- Geoid-Ellipsoid Separation
- Geolocation
- Geometric Correction
- Geometric Element
- Geometric Object
- Geometric Transformation
- Geometry
- GeoMobility Server
- Geomorphology
- Geoparser Service
- Geoprocessing
- Geoprocessing Applications
- Georectification
- Georectified Gridded Data
- Georeference
- Georeferencing
- Georelational Data Model
- GeoRSS
- Geospatial Data
- Geospatial Data Loading
- Geospatial Data Repository
- Geospatial Fusion Services
- Geospatial Information
- Geospatial Information System (GIS)
- Geospatial Portal
- Geospatial Technology
- Geospatial_
- Geospecific Model
- Geostationary
- Geostatistics
- Geosynchronous
- Geotypical Model
- GIS Application
- Global Analysis
- Global Navigation Satellite System (GLONASS)
- Global Polynomial Interpolation
- Global Positioning System (GPS)
- Global Spatial Data Infrastructure (GSDI)
- Globe
- Glossary
- Glyph
- GML Application Schema
- Gnomonic Projection
- Goodness-of-Fit Test
- Gore
- Gradian
- Gradient
- Gradient of Gravity
- Graduated Color Map / Graduated Colour Map
- Graduated Symbol Map
- Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA)
- Grandfather-Father-Son Back-Up
- Granularity
- Graphic
- Graphic Interchange Format (GIF)
- Graphical Device Interface (GDI)
- Graphical Identification and Authentication (GINA)
- Graphical User Interface (GUI)
- Graticule
- Graticule Alignment of Labels
- Gravimeter
- Gravimetric Geodesy
- Gravity Model
- Gray Scale / Grey Scale
- Great Circle
- Greenwich Mean Time
- Greenwich Meridian
- Grid
- Grid North
- Ground Control
- Ground Receiving Station
- Ground Truth
- Hachure
- Hachured Contour
- Hacker
- Halftone Image
- Hamiltonian Circuit
- Handle
- Hardware Authenticator
- Hardware Key
- Harmonization
- Hash / Hashing / Hash Algorithm
- Hatch Class
- Hatch Definition
- Hatch Style
- Hatches
- Hatching
- Heading
- Heads-Up Digitizing
- Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
- Heap
- Hectare
- Height
- Heimert Transformation
- Hemisphere
- Heuristic / Heuristics
- Hexadecimal
- Hierarchical Database
- Hierarchy
- High Accuracy Reference Network (HARN)
- High-Level Language
- High-Pass Filter
- Hijacking
- Hillshading
- Histogram
- Histogram Equalization
- Hole
- Homeland Security Presidential Directive – Number 12 (HSPD-12)
- Honor
- Horizon
- Horizon Circle
- Horizontal Angle
- Horizontal Control
- Horizontal Dilution of Precision (HDOP)
- Horizontal Geodetic Datum
- Host
- HTML Document
- Hub
- Hue
- Human Geography
- Human Technology Environment
- Human Technology Interface (HTI)
- Hydrographic Datum
- Hydrographic Survey
- Hydrography
- Hyperlink
- Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)
- HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
- Hypertext Transfer Protocol (Secure) (HTTPS)
- Hypsography
- Hypsometric Curve
- Hypsometric Map
- Hypsometric Tinting
- Hypsometry
- Identifier
- Identity
- Identity and Access Management (IAM)
- Identity Link
- Identity Theft
- IDispatch
- Illumination
- Image
- Image Coordinate
- Image Data
- Image Division
- Image Metadata
- Image Resolution
- Image Scale
- Image Space
- Imagery
- Impedance
- Impersonation
- Implement
- Implementation
- Implementation Profile
- Implementation Specification
- Implementation View
- Import
- Inbound Interface
- Incident Energy
- Incremental Back-Up
- Independent Variable
- Indeterminate Flow Direction
- Index Contour Line
- Index Map
- Index_
- Individual Subscriber
- Industry
- Information Appliance
- Information Community
- Information Notice
- Information Space
- Information Storage Interface (ISI)
- Information Viewpoint
- Infrared Scanner
- Infrastructure
- Inheritance
- In-process
- Input Data
- Input Feature
- Input Table
- Inset Map
- Instance
- Instantiation
- Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
- Integration
- Integrity
- Intelligent Questioning
- Intensity
- Interactive Vectorization
- Interchange Format
- Interface
- Interface Definition Language (IDL)
- Interface Identifier (IID)
- Interferogram
- Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (IFSAR)
- Intermediary
- Intermediate Data
- International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)
- International Committee for Information Technology Standards (INCITS)
- International Date Line
- International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) _ International Organisatio
- Internationalization / Internationalisation (I18N)
- Internet
- Internet Protocol (IP) Address
- Interoperability
- Interoperability Program
- Interoperability Program Report (IPR)
- Interpolation
- Interrupted Projection
- Intersect
- Intersection
- Intersection Connector
- Interval Data
- Intranet
- Intrinsic Resource
- Intrinsic Stationarity
- Intrusion
- Inverse Distance Weighted Interpolation
- Investigation
- IP Security (IPSec)
- Isanormal
- Isarithm
- ISO 27002
- ISO/IEC 17799
- Isobar
- Isochrone
- Isohyet
- Isoline
- Isometric Line
- Isopleth
- Isotherm
- Isotropic
- Isotropy
- Iterative Procedure
- IUnknown
- Java
- Java Development Kit (JDK)
- Java ME
- Java ME Wireless Toolkit
- Java Server Page (JSP)
- JavaScript
- JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)
- JavaServer Faces
- JavaServer Pages Standard Tag Library
- Jenks' Optimization
- Job
- Joining
- Joint Operations Graphic (JOG)
- Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPG / JPEG)
- Joint Supervisory Authorities
- Junction
- Junction Connectivity Policy
- Key Data Sets
- Key Length / Strength
- Key Logging
- Key Management
- Keyboard Shortcut
- Keycode
- Keyword
- Kinematic Positioning
- Knockout
- Knowledge Base (KBase/KB)
- Knowledge Based Authentication (KBA)
- Known Point
- Kohonen Map
- Kriging
- Label
- Land Cover
- Land Information System
- Land Use
- Landform
- Landmark
- Landsat
- Landscape Ecology
- Language Independent
- Large Scale
- Large-Format Printer
- Late Binding
- Latitude
- Latitude & Longitude
- Latitude of Center / Latitude of Centre
- Latitude of Origin
- Lattice
- Layer
- Layered Authentication
- Layered Map Visualization
- Layout
- L-Band
- Least-Cost Path
- Least-Squares Adjustment
- Least-Squares Corrections
- Legacy System
- Legend
- Lempel-Zif-Welch (LZW)
- Leveling
- Liberty Alliance, Liberty ID-FF
- Library
- License
- Light Detection and Ranging (Lidar)
- Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)
- Line
- Line Event
- Line Feature
- Line of Sight
- Line Simplification
- Line Smoothing
- Linear Dimension
- Linear Interpolation
- Linear Referencing
- Linear Unit
- Line-on-Line Overlay
- Line-on-Point Overlay
- Link
- Little Endian
- Load Balance
- Local Analysis
- Local Area Network (LAN)
- Local Datum
- Local Polynomial Interpolation
- Localization / Localisation (L10N)
- Location
- Location Aware Services
- Location Organizer Folder (LOF)
- Location Service
- Location-Allocation
- Location-Based Services (LBS)
- Location-Dependent Services
- Locomotion
- Log File
- Logarithm
- Logical Access
- Logical Expression
- Logical Operator
- Logical Query
- London Initiative
- Longitude
- Longitude of Center / Longitude of Centre
- Longitude of Origin
- Long-Range Variation
- Long-Term Technical Baseline Target
- Loose Coupling
- Loosely Coupled / Loosely-Coupled Service
- Lossless Compression
- Lossy Compression
- Low-level Language
- Low-Pass Filter
- Macro
- Magnetic Bearing
- Magnetic Declination
- Magnetic North
- Magnetometer
- Mailing Preference Service, The (MPS)
- Maintenance Renewal
- Major Axis
- Majority Resampling
- Malicious Code
- Managed Raster Catalog
- Man-in-the-Middle Attacks (MITM)
- Many-to-Many Relationship
- Many-to-One Relationship
- Map
- Map Algebra
- Map Display
- Map Element
- Map Extent
- Map Generalization
- Map Projection
- Map Reading
- Map Scale
- Map Series
- Map Service
- Map Sheet
- Map Surround
- Map Topology
- Map Unit
- Marker Symbol
- Market Area
- Market Penetration Analysis
- Marshalling
- Mask
- Mass Point
- Match Score
- Matching
- Mathematical Expression
- Matrix
- Max Extent
- Mean
- Mean Center / Mean Centre
- Mean Sea Level
- Mean Stationarity
- Measure Location Fields
- Measurement
- Measurement Error
- Measurement Residual
- Median
- Median Center / Median Centre
- Medium-Format Printer
- Member
- Memory Leak
- Mental Map
- Menu
- Menu Item
- Mereing
- Merging
- Meridian
- Message Broker
- Meta Data / Metadata
- Metabase
- Metadata Dataset
- Metadata Element
- Metadata Entity
- Metadata Profile
- Metadata Schema
- Metadata Section
- Metadata Translator
- Metes and Bounds
- Method
- Metropolitan Statistical Area
- Microdensitometer
- Micrometer
- Micron
- Micropolitan Statistical Area
- Middleware
- Mimetic Symbol
- Minimum Candidate Score
- Minimum Map Unit
- Minor Axis
- Minute
- Mirroring
- Mixed Pixel
- Mobile Code
- Mobile Information Device Profile (MIDP)
- Model
- Modeling Language
- Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS)
- Modifiable Areal Unit Problem (MAUP)
- Monochromatic
- Monte Carlo / Monte Carlo Method
- Morphology
- Mosaic
- Mouse Mode
- Multichannel Receiver
- Multidimensional Data
- Multimodal Network
- Multipath Error
- Multiple Regression
- Multiple Threaded Apartment (MTA)
- Multiplexing Channel Receiver
- Multipoint Feature Class
- Multispectral
- Multispectral Image
- Multispectral Scanner
- Multiuser Geodatabase
- Multivariate Analysis
- Mutual Authentication
- m-value
- Nadir
- N-ary Association
- National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929
- National Information Infrastructure (NII)
- National Institute for Science and Technology (NIST)
- National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
- National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI)
- Natural Breaks Classification
- Natural Neighbours / Natural Neighbors
- Navigation
- Navigation Service
- Navstar
- Nearest Neighbor Resampling / Nearest Neighbour Resampling
- Neatline
- Neighbourhood Functions / Neighborhood Functions
- NetBeans IDE
- Network
- Network Analysis
- Network Location
- Network Port
- Network Trace
- Neural Network
- Neutral Transfer Format (NTF)
- NoData
- Node
- Noise
- Nominal Data
- Nonrepudiation / Non-Repudiation
- Nonsimple Polygon
- Nonspatial Data
- Normal Distribution (Statistical)
- Normal Form
- Normalisation / Normalization
- North American Datum of 1927 (NAD 1927)
- North American Datum of 1983 (NAD 1983)
- North American Industry Classification System (NAICS)
- North Arrow
- Northing
- Not a Number (NaN)
- Notice to Airmen (NOTAM)
- Notice to Mariners (NTM)
- Notification
- NSDI Clearinghouse Network
- NSDI Clearinghouse Node
- Nugget
- Null Hypothesis (Ho)
- Null Value
- Object
- Object Class
- Object Definition Language (ODL)
- Object Library (OLB)
- Object Linking and Embedding (OLE)
- Object Linking and Embedding Database Provider (OLE DB Provider)
- Object Model Diagram
- Object Orientation (OO)
- Object Pooling
- Object Technology
- Object View
- Object-Orientated Programming
- Object-Oriented Database
- Oblate Ellipsoid
- Oblique Photograph
- Oblique Projection
- Observation Domain Model
- Observation Model
- Off-Nadir
- Offset
- OGC Interoperability Program
- OLE Customer Control
- On The Fly
- One-Time Password
- One-Time Password Specifications (OTPS)
- One-to-many Relationship
- One-to-One Relationship
- Online
- Ontology
- Open Geodata Interoperability Specification (OGIS)
- Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC)
- Open Interface
- Open Location Services
- Open Mobile Alliance (OMA)
- Open Platform
- Open Source
- Open Specification
- Open Standard
- Open System
- Open System Environment
- Open Traverse
- OpenGIS
- OpenGIS Abstract Specification
- OpenGIS Implementation Specification
- OpenGIS Location Services (OpenLS)
- OpenGIS Reference Model (ORM)
- OpenGIS Specification
- Operand
- Operation
- Operation Codes
- Operator
- Operator Precedence
- Opinion
- Optimization / Optimisation
- Ordinal Data
- Ordinary Kriging
- Ordinate
- Ordnance Survey
- Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information (OASIS)
- Orientation
- Origin
- Orthogonal
- Orthogonal Offset
- Orthographic Projection
- Orthoimagery
- Orthophoto Map
- Orthophotograph
- Orthophotoquad
- Orthophotoscope
- Orthorectification
- Outbound Interface
- Outlier
- Outline
- Outline Vectorization
- Output Data
- Overlapping Rings
- Overlay
- Overprinting
- Overshoot
- Overview Map
- Overview Terrain
- OWS Service Framework
- Packet
- Packet Filtering
- Packet Sniffer
- Page Unit
- Pan
- Panchromatic
- Panchromatic Image
- Panchromatic Sharpening
- Paneled Map
- Parallax
- Parallel
- Parallel Processing
- Parameter
- Parametric Curve
- Parcel
- Parcel Identification Number (Parcel PIN)
- Parcel Type
- Parity
- Parse
- Partial Address Support
- Partial Sill
- Passenger Name Record (PNR)
- Passive Remote Sensing
- Passive Sensors
- Passphrase
- Password
- Patch
- Path
- Path Distance Analysis
- Pathfinding
- Pattern Recognition
- Payment Card Industry (PCI)
- P-Code
- Peak
- Percent Slope
- Performance
- Perigee
- Permanent Dataset
- Permanent License
- Persistence
- Personal Data
- Personal Data Filing System
- Personal Geodatabase
- Personal Identity Number (PIN)
- Personal Identity Verification (PIV) Card
- Perspective View
- Pharming
- Phishing / Phishers
- Photogeology
- Photogrammetry
- Photomap
- Photometer
- Physical Access
- Physical Geography
- Picture Fill
- Pie Chart
- Pilot Project
- Pit
- Pixel
- Pixel Space
- Place
- Place-Name Alias
- Plan
- Planar Coordinate System
- Planar Enforcement
- Planar Projection
- Planarize
- Plane Survey
- Planimetric
- Planimetric Base
- Planimetric Map
- Planimetric Shift
- Planning Study
- Plat
- Platform
- Platform Independent
- Plotter
- Plug-in
- Plumb Line
- Point Event
- Point Mode Digitizing
- Point of Interest
- Point Size
- Point Thinning
- Point to Grid interpolation
- Point-in-Polygon Overlay
- Polar Aspect
- Polar Orbit
- Polar Radius
- Polygon
- Polygon Feature
- Polygon Overlay
- Polygon-Arc Topology
- Polyhedron
- Portable Document Format (PDF)
- Portable Network Graphics (PNG)
- Portal
- Portlet
- Portrayal
- Portrayal Service
- Position
- Postal Code
- Posting
- Power
- Precision
- Prediction
- Prediction Standard Error
- Preference
- Presentation (Map Portrayal) Service
- Primary Colors / Colours
- Primary Key
- Primary Reference Data
- Primary Table
- Prime Meridian
- Prime Numbers
- Prime Vertical
- Prior Check
- Privacy
- Privacy by Design
- Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETs)
- Private Key
- Probability
- Probability (P) Value
- Probability Map
- Probe
- Procedure
- Process
- Process Domain Model
- Processing
- Processing Services
- Processor
- Processor Agreement
- Profile
- Profile Graph
- Project
- Project Data
- Projected Coordinate System
- Projected Coordinates
- Projection
- Projection Transformation
- Projective Transformation
- Prolate Ellipsoid
- Property
- Property Page
- Proportional Symbol
- Protected
- Protocol
- Prototyping
- Provisioning
- Proximity Analysis
- Proximity Query
- Proxy
- Proxy Object
- Prüm Treaty
- Pseudo-Random Noise (PRN)
- Pseudo-Random Noise Code (PRN Code)
- Pseudo-Random Number
- Public Authority
- Public Key Cryptography Standard 12 (PKSC12)
- Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)
- Public Land Survey System (PLSS)
- Public Participation
- Publication Schemes
- Public-Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS)
- Publish
- Publish, Find, Bind
- Publisher
- Puck
- Pyramid
- QQ Plot
- Quadrangle
- Quadrant
- Quadrat
- Quadrat Analysis
- Quadtree / Quad Tree
- Qualified Name
- Qualitative Data
- Quality Assurance (QA)
- Quality Control (QC)
- Quality Data Assurance
- Quantile
- Quantile Classification
- Quantitative Data
- Quantitative Geography
- Query
- Query Expression
- Query Language
- Query Table
- R Tree
- Radar Altimeter
- Radar Interferometry
- Radial Basis Functions
- Radian
- Radiation
- Radio Detection and Ranging (Radar)
- Radio Frequency Identification Tags (RFID)
- Radiometer
- Radiometric Correction
- Radiometric Resolution
- Radius
- Random Noise
- Range
- Range Domain
- Rank
- Raster
- Raster Data
- Raster Data Model
- Raster Dataset
- Raster Dataset Band
- Raster Intersection
- Raster Postprocessing
- Raster Product Format (RPF)
- Raster Tracing
- Raster Type
- Rasterization
- Ratio Data
- Ratioing
- Ray Tracing
- Real Time
- Really Simple Syndication (RSS)
- Really Simple Syndication (RSS) Feed
- Real-Time Data
- Recipient
- Re-Classification / Reclassification
- Reconcile
- Record
- Recovery Point Objective (RPO)
- Recovery Time Objective (RTO)
- Rectification
- Rectilinear
- Recycling
- Redistricting
- Redundant Array of Independent Disks (RAID)
- Reference
- Reference Data
- Reference Datum
- Reference Ellipsoid
- Reference Implementation
- Reference Map
- Reference Model
- Reference Model for Open Distributed Processing (RM-ODP)
- Reference Scale
- Reference System
- Referential Integrity
- Reflectance
- Regedit
- Region
- Register
- Register of Geodetic Points
- Register of Land
- Registry
- Registry File
- Registry Model
- Registry Object
- Registry Services
- Regression
- Regression Coefficient
- Regression Equation
- RegSvr32
- Regulation (EC) No 45/2001
- Rehydrate
- Reject Processing
- Relate
- Relational Database
- Relational Database Management System (RDBMS)
- Relational Operator
- Relationship
- Relationship Class
- Relative Accuracy
- Relative Bearing
- Relative Coordinates
- Relative Path
- Reliability Diagram
- Relief
- Rematching
- Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS)
- Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
- Remote Sensing
- Remote-Sensing Imagery
- Renderer
- Rendering
- Replication
- Replicator
- Reporting Group
- Representation
- Representational State Transfer (REST)
- Representative Fraction
- Request
- Request for Comment (RFC)
- Request for Information (RFI)
- Request for Proposal (RFP)
- Resampling
- Research & Technology Development (RTD)
- Residual
- Resolution
- Response
- Restriction
- Retro-Virus
- Reverse Geocoder Service
- Reverse Geocoding
- Rhumb Line
- Rich Client Application
- Right of Access
- Right of Information
- Right of Rectification
- Right to Object
- Ring Study
- Risk-Based Authentication
- River Addressing
- Roamer
- Role Based Access Control (RBAC)
- Roller-Feed Scanner
- Root Certificate
- Root Mean Square (RMS) Error
- Rootkit
- Route
- Route Event
- Route Event Table
- Route Identifier
- Route Location
- Route Measure
- Route Measure Anomalies
- Route Reference
- Route Service
- Rover
- Row
- Row Standardization
- RSA algorithm
- R-Square
- Rubber Sheeting
- Run Time
- Run-Length Encoding
- Runtime Environment
- Safe Harbour / Harbor Principles
- Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX)
- Satellite Constellation
- Satellite Pour l’Observation de la Terre (SPOT)
- Saturation
- Scalability
- Scalable
- Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)
- Scale
- Scale Bar
- Scale Factor
- Scale Range
- Scanned Map
- Scanning
- Scatter Diagram / Scatter Plot / Scatter Chart
- Schema
- Schengen Information System (SIS)
- Scratch File
- Script
- Scrubbing
- Search Radius
- Search Tolerance
- Searching Neighborhood
- Seat
- Secant
- Secant Projection
- Second
- Second Normal Form (2NF)
- Secondary Reference Data
- Second-Order Stationarity
- Section
- Secure Hash Algorithm v1 (SHA1)
- Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
- Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (S/MIME)
- Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML)
- Security Breach
- Seed Record
- Select, Selection
- Selective Availability
- Semantic Translation/Translator
- Semantics
- Semimajor Axis
- Semiminor Axis
- Semivariogram
- Sense of Place
- Sensitive Data
- Sensitivity analysis
- Sensor
- Sensor Collection Service (SCS)
- Sensor Domain Model
- Sensor Model Language
- Sensor Web
- Sensor Web Enablement
- Sequential Analysis
- Sequential Questions
- Serialization
- Serialization File
- Server
- Server Account
- Server Directory
- Server Object Container (SOC)
- Server Object Manager (SOM)
- Server Product
- Server-Side Address Locator
- Service
- Service Chain
- Service Control Manager (SCM)
- Service Interface
- Service Metadata
- Service Model
- Service Provider
- Service Request
- Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)
- Servlet
- Servlet Engine
- Session State
- Sextant
- Shaded Relief Image
- Shading
- Shallowly Stateful Application
- SHAPE / Shape
- Shared Boundary
- Shared Vertex
- Shield
- Shortcut Menu
- Shortest Path
- Short-Range Variation
- Showcase Application
- Side Offset
- Signal
- Signal to Noise Ratio (S/N Ratio)
- Significance Level
- Signing
- Sill
- Simple Feature
- Simple Feature Model
- Simple Kriging
- Simple Market Area
- Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP)
- Simple Relationship
- Simplification
- Simultaneous Conveyance
- Single Precision
- Single Sign-On (SSO)
- Single Threaded Apartment (STA)
- Single Use
- Singleton
- Single-User Geodatabase
- Sink
- Site Prospecting
- Sketch
- Sliver Polygon
- Sliver Removal
- Slope
- Small Circle
- Small or Medium Sized Enterprise (SME)
- Small Scale
- Smart Badging
- Smart Card
- Smart Chip
- Smart Pointer
- Smoothing
- Smurfing
- Snapping
- Snapping Tolerance
- Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT)
- Software Development Kit (SDK)
- Solution
- Solver
- Sound Navigation and Ranging (Sonar)
- Source
- Space Coordinate System
- Spaghetti Data
- Spaghetti Digitizing
- Spam
- Spatial
- Spatial Analysis
- Spatial Autocorrelation
- Spatial Cognition
- Spatial Data
- Spatial Data Engine (SDE)
- Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI)
- Spatial Data Transfer Standard (SDTS)
- Spatial Database
- Spatial Domain
- Spatial Grid
- Spatial Join
- Spatial Modeling
- Spatial Overlay
- Spatial Overlay Analysis
- Spatial Query
- Spatial Reference System
- Spatial Statistics
- Spatial Web
- Spatial Weights Matrix
- Spatialization
- Specification
- Specification Program
- Spectral Resolution
- Spectral Signature
- Spectrophotometer
- Spectroscopy
- Spelling Sensitivity
- Sphere
- Spherical Coordinate System
- Spheroid
- Spike
- Spline
- Spline Interpolation
- Spoofing
- Spot Elevation
- Spyware
- Stable Base
- Stack
- Standard
- Standard Contractual Clauses
- Standard Deviation
- Standard Deviation Classification
- Standard Distance
- Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML)
- Standard Industrial Classification (SIC)
- Standard Interchange Format (SIF)
- Standard Line
- Standard Parallel
- Standards Based Commercial Off-the-Shelf Software (SCOTS)
- Standards Development Organization (SDO)
- Star Diagram
- Starter Application
- State
- State Plane Coordinate System (SPC)
- Stateful Operation
- Stateless
- Stateless Operation
- Static Positioning
- Stationarity
- Stationing
- Statistical Surface
- Steepest Path
- Steradian
- Stereocompilation
- Stereographic Compilation
- Stereometer
- Stereomodel
- Stereopair
- Stereoplotter
- Stereoscope
- Stereoscopy
- Stochastic Model
- Stop Impedance
- Store Market Analysis
- Store Prospecting
- Stove Pipe/Stove Piped
- Stream
- Stream Mode Digitizing
- Stream Tolerance
- Streaming
- Street Network
- Street-Based Mapping
- Stretch
- String
- Striping
- Strong Authentication
- Structure Line
- Structured Code
- Structured Query Language (SQL)
- Study Area
- Style
- Style Sheet / Stylesheet
- Styled Layer Descriptors (SLD)
- Sub-Assembly
- Subject Access Request
- Subtractive Primary Colours
- Subtype / Sub-type
- Suitability Model
- Supplemental Contour
- Surface
- Surface Configuration Model
- Surface Fitting
- Surface Model
- Survey Station
- Surveying
- Sybase
- Symbol
- Symbol ID Code
- Symbol Library
- Symbolization
- Symbology
- Symmetric Algorithm
- Symmetric Key Cryptography
- Synchronisation / Synchronization
- Synchronous
- Syntax
- System Internal Interface (SII)
- Table
- Tabular Data
- Tactical Graphic
- Tag
- Tagged Image File Format (TIFF)
- Tagged Value
- Tangent Projection
- Target Computer
- TC/211
- Technical Baseline
- Technical Committee
- Technical Plan
- Technology Viewpoint
- Telephone Preference Service, The (TPS)
- Temporal Data
- Temporal GIS
- Temporal Reference System
- Temporary Dataset
- Terrain
- Terrain Dataset
- Terrain Dataset Pyramid
- Terrain Pyramid Group
- Terrain Pyramid Level
- Terrain Pyramid Resolution Bounds
- Terrain Tiles
- Terrorist Finance Tracking Program (TFTP)
- Tessellation
- Testbed
- Text Box
- Text Label
- Text Symbol
- Texture
- Thematic Data
- Thematic Map
- Theodolite
- Thick Clients
- Thin Clients
- Third Country
- Third Normal Form (3NF)
- Thread
- Thread Neutral Apartment (TNA)
- Threat
- Three-Tier Configuration
- Threshold Ring Analysis
- Thumbnail
- Tick Marks
- Tidal Datum
- Tie Point
- Tie Survey
- Tied Candidates
- TIGER/Line Files
- Tightly Coupled / Tight Coupling
- Tiling
- Time Synchronous Authentication
- Time Window
- TIN Dataset
- TIN Line Type
- Tissot's Indicatrix
- Tobler's First Law of Geography
- Token
- Tolerance
- To-Node
- Tool
- Toolbar
- Toolkit
- ToolTip
- Topographic Line Map (TLM)
- Topographic Map
- Topography
- Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing File (TIGER)
- Topology
- Toponym
- Tower of Hanoi Rotation Schedule
- Township
- Trader
- Traffic Data
- Transaction
- Transfer Protocol
- Transform Events
- Transformation
- Transit Rule
- Translation
- Transparency
- Transverse Aspect
- Traveling Salesperson Problem
- Traverse
- Tree Data Structure
- Trend
- Trend Surface Analysis
- Triangle
- Triangulated Irregular Network (TIN)
- Triangulation
- Trilateration
- Trojan
- True Bearing
- True North
- Trusted Authorities
- Tuple
- Turn
- Turn Feature Class
- Turn Impedance
- Turn Table
- Turn-by-Turn Maps
- Tween
- Two-Factor Authentication
- Two-Tier Configuration
- Type Inheritance
- Type Library
- UIControl
- Uncertainty
- Unclosed Parcel
- Undershoot
- Undevelopable Surface
- Undirected Network Flow
- Unified Modeling Language (UML)
- Uniform Resource Locator (URL)
- Union
- Unit of Measure
- United States (US) Geodetic Survey
- United States (US) Geological Survey
- Univariate Analysis
- Univariate Distribution
- Universal Description, Discovery and Integration (UDDI)
- Universal Kriging
- Universal Naming Convention / Uniform Naming Convention (UNC)
- Universal Polar Stereographic
- Universal Soil Loss Equation
- Universal Time
- Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Co-ordinate System
- Universe Polygon
- UNIX Time
- Unmanaged Raster Catalog
- Unprotected
- Upstream
- Urban Geography
- Urban Vector Map (UVMap)
- Usage
- Usage Time
- USB Token
- Use Case / Use Case Scenario
- User Domain
- User Interface (UI)
- User Life-Cycle Management
- User Name
- User Portability
- Utility COM Object
- Vagueness
- Validation
- Validation Rule
- Value
- Variable
- Variable Depth Masking
- Variance
- Variance-Covariance Matrix
- Variant
- Variogram
- Variography
- Vector
- Vector Data
- Vector Data Model
- Vector Displays and Databases
- Vector Map (VMap)
- Vector Methods
- Vector Product Format (VPF)
- Vectorization
- Vectorization Settings
- Verbal Scale
- Verification
- Version
- Version Merging
- Version Reconciliation
- Vertex
- Vertical Coordinate System
- Vertical Exaggeration
- Vertical Geodetic Datum
- Vertical Photograph
- Video-Surveillance
- View
- Viewpoint
- Viewshed
- Virtual Directory
- Virtual Private Network (VPN)
- Virtual Reality
- Virtual Table
- Virtualization / Virtualisation
- Virus
- Visa Information System (VIS)
- Visual Basic
- Visual Basic for Applications
- Visual Basic Virtual Machine (VBVM)
- Visual C++
- Visual Center / Visual Centre
- Visual Hierarchy
- Visualisation / Visualization
- Volume
- Voronoi Diagram
- Voxel
- vTable Binding
- Vulnerability
- Wait Time
- War Fighting Element
- War Fighting Symbol
- Waterfall Model
- Watershed
- Wavelength
- Wavelet Compression
- Wayfinding
- Waypoint
- Web Access Management
- Web Application
- Web Application Template
- Web Browser
- Web Control
- Web Coverage Service (WCS)
- Web Feature Server Specification
- Web Feature Service (WFS)
- Web Form
- Web Map Server Specification
- Web Mapping
- Web Mapping Service (WMS)
- Web Page
- Web Registry Service
- Web Server
- Web Service
- Web Services Description Language (WSDL)
- Web Site
- Weed Tolerance
- Weight
- Weighted Mean Center / Centre
- Weighted Moving Average
- Weighted Overlay
- Well-Known Binary Representation for Geometry (WKBGeometry)
- Well-Known Text Representation of Spatial Reference Systems
- WHERE Clause
- Wide Area Network (WAN)
- Wind Rose
- Windowing
- Wireframe
- Wireless Application
- Wizard
- WMS Context
- Work Order
- Workflow
- Working Directory
- Working Group (WG)
- Workspace
- Workstation
- World File
- World Geodetic System 1972 (WGS72)
- World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS84)
- World Wide Web (WWW)
- World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
- Worm
- WS-Security
- W-Test
- x,y Coordinates
- x,y Event
- x,y,z Coordinates
- X.509
- x-Axis
- XML for Imagery and Map Annotations (XIMA)
- XML Metadata Interchange (XMI)
- Xpath
- y-Axis
- Z Score
- z-Axis
- Zenith
- Zero Length Line Event
- z-Factor
- ZIP Code
- Zip+4 Code
- Zonal Analysis
- Zone
- Zone of Interpolation
- Zoning
- Zoom
- z-Tolerance
- z-Value
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